As I always say, we can worry/care about more than one thing at a time, can’t we.
I was thinking about the people in the Ukraine, having to live with war and covid. Huddled down in those subways (those lucky enough to be able to get somewhere like that, which might offer some semblence of safety), some with small children, some wearing masks some not — who knows who’s vaccinated and who isn’t. It’s like double russian roulette with your life, the lives of your babies.
I’ve stressed and worried in the same way for people trapped in shells of cities, constantly under attack in Syria over the last decade (plus covid on top for the latest two years), just as an example. And it’s not the only place. War is a constant presence in this world, maybe not involving the ‘superpowers’ and a threat of nuclear weaponry, but always always, somewhere, people are killing and people are dying.
Look at Yemen too.
Then look at refugees in camps and detention centres.
Look at disease outbreaks, often in the poorest countries — and these are often also the ones which are or have been destrotyed by war. Check out all the places MSF: …are dealing with limbs needing amputated because of mines left behind in fields, at the same time they are trying to help with other outbreaks of disease (ebola anyone?) then Covid-19 on top.
But I’m up on my soapbox, I didn’t mean to be. You’ve been doing a great job, commenting on the state of the pandemic, with a way more even hand than most. You should be commemded for that. You’ve also been working, travelling, looking after your girls (one of whom is a brand new baby) — and you are rightly and understandably exhausted. You cannot be everything to everyone. Yet you’re still also ‘The Boss’ to your marvellous Counter Arts publication editors and writers!
Give yourself a break.