As you might have gathered, I am hugely supportive, empathetic and in agreement with everything you've written here. I also think you've done a brilliant job of expressing the emotional impact of these school years and how they affect you well beyond that time.
As someone who is in the UK I had a slightly different school experience but was still scarred and labelled; I too became a 'Rocker'.
I then became an education specialist and further went on to home educate my child in a way that suited them - not shaped and pressured by a curriculum, not tormented day in/day out for not 'fitting in'. Hopefully, they have grown (now 21) still whole in a way I will never be.
Anyway, I suppose I just want to let you know I 'hear' you, and I 'see' you.
Thanks again for deciding to send this piece of work to me at Counter Arts - Sadie