Did you ever see 'Lost Christmas', the one starring Eddie Izzard that was on in 2011? It was nominated for a BAFTA Children's Award and billed as an "urban fairytale".
I had seen trailers for it all month at least and really looked forward to it, given I love Eddie Izzard. Oh but she steered me wrongly on this one. I had expected something with a moral message, but generally joyful and fun on the whole.
Was it hell. My goodness, for a supposed drama aimed at children, that was so dark. Though admittedly I might have picked up on aspects the kiddies wouldn't. I was certainly relieved that my own sensitive and perceptive then nine year old had declined to watch with me.
I was depressed and horrified throughout the whole thing - but kept watching, expecting the happy ending. As you do. It came too. Sort of....The happy ending still kind of came with a price, which meant I sobbed and sobbed, not necessarily happy tears.
I've never forgotten it! That programme haunted my life. My parenting. What happened to a bit of "comfort and joy" at Christmas? Even us heathens look forward to the season for a little but of that.