Fantastic Reece. Thank you as always for your film reviews, they are always such full and interesting reading material.
As I told you, 'Clint' was a similar household name for me growing up, but that was because my mother had a huge 'thing' about him (let's call it a crush to be kind. lol).
I haven't actually seen any of his later films, I must give them a go! I didn't realise 'Play Misty for Me' was lesser known, but then I suppose he was more famous for his westerns (and then the Dirty Harry persona). I think 'Two Mules for Sister Sarah' and 'Pale Rider' were my favourites of his, along with 'Play Misty' - and I enjoyed 'Bridges of Madison County', though I think I preferred the book version.
You're right, it's good to see one more Clint film, (can't believe he's 94!!). I'm happy that it features justice, and I'm pleased to see it starring Nicholas Hoult as I've been enjoying his acting for a long time now.