From our exchange of comments not too long ago, I think you'll probably be able to guess what I'm going to say.
I feel for you, because I know how hard it is. Have some buckets back (they're going to get dizzy!).
Most people in my life, including close family members, have no idea how bad I feel on a regular basis. People think I'm the most cheerful, confident person ever. What can I say? I could've had a life on stage dahhhling
Yes, I'll come with you when you write from inside the darkness - I might dash off a piece myself while we're there. I'm always more likely to write but have always kept that writing confined to my journals until I started publishing pieces on Medium - and yes, this publication does feel like warm cocoon.
I can't say anything to truly make anything better, I know that, but I'll sit with you while you're in here.