Hi Amanda, thanks for tagging me - especially as I read that list and see what great company you've put me in!!
I hope you're recovering from your pancreatitis, that sounded unpleasant to say the least. I must say, I was very impressed by how eloquent and coherent you were under those circumstances. You should hear me under morphine, rambling, waxing poetic - but not in any way that makes much sense, lol. That said, to be fair to myself, my pain has usually sent me to an alternate state by the time I'd get anything like morphine, so I'm not really blaming the pain meds, That would only feed into the incorrect assumption people have about people who take pain meds for pain being in the same category as addicts who take those drugs to get high. Completely wrong.
Anyway, sorry for getting on my soapbox in your comments section!
I think I've said before, I'm a big fan of your love story. I'm not really a 'romantic', I don't read romance novels.....but this story just has something special going for it, because it turns my heart to mush and puts a soppy smile on my face!! So thanks again for the feel good factor you've got going here too!
I've never written haiku before, not that I can remember anyway. I'll give it a go though for sure - especially as I didn't get round to doing a piece in answer to your prompt in 'Pandemonium'. So watch this space!