I have to love a voice too —aside from ruining a good prospect for love relationships, a bad fit (for me) will impact much of everyday life. I simply can’t listen to an audio book unless the voice suits me (for example).
I love Kandinsky too!! His use of colour and form speaks to my emotions at a really deep level.
A perfect voice for me is dark and smooth with a bit of gravel. Yet, funnily as you mention him, I can’t abide Johnny Cash. I think there are some other emotive connections getting in the way there though! (That would make a story in itself actually …)
Rather different to EDM, but how about Eddie Vedder — and much as I love Pearl Jam, the ‘Into The Wild’ soundtrack really does it for me, lol. Or Chris Cornell?
I did like the voice in the track you linked, but needed more of it. Maybe a little to light for my particular taste though?
Anyhow, yes — you got me, lol. I could obviously talk voices at some length , lol.
I enjoyed your writing, thanks for sharing.