It's really thanks to you and the other owner/editors at Counter Arts & associated publications that I've felt comfortable enough on Medium to share some of the parts of my life I'm usually silent about. So thank you for that, for your response and for your kindness. This is something which happened to me a lifetime ago, when I was 19 and living in a city while at university. It's only one of the things which contribute to my abiding mental health issues (anxiety, depression, C-PTSD), but it's been lurking in the darkness for a long time. I couldn't ignore it, the memories do cause me some problems (I had to leave a couple of days between publishing and replying to comments, to breathe and recoup a little), but I've never been able to talk about it either. Only in the last couple of years I've begun seeing a therapist, unearthing some of my trauma and sharing my experiences a little.