So many thoughts Carlos, lol.
Firstly, I think that was my foremost thought - that Jada Pinkett Smith is a woman who is very well capable of standing up and/or speaking up for herself if she deems it necessary.
Secondly, I've always believed wolves to be wrongly maligned in both folklore and common culture. In my mind and experience, I've hidden out with wolves and they've been the ones to protect me when hunters (real male human predators) have threatened or harmed me.
Thirdly, on a lighter note - I'm actually rather partial to a man bun or top knot, though not always the men who sport them it must be said. I like long hair on men though, generally.
As for Will Smith going all caveman....I don't think it was anything to do with Chris Rock, the joke, his wife or anything at all other than salving his own ego which has been somewhat bruised recently by commentary about his marriage. Frankly, he might as well have just whizzed up the side of Jada's dress, marked his territory like the big dog he obviously wants to be seen as. I might even have found that less objectionable that The Slap and it's Aftermath.