Thank you kind sir (does a quick curtsy/bow sort of thing) 😊
The Holy Trinity thing was always a weakening, stumbling block for me when it came to Christianity.
I'm not belittling anyone who believes in the Christian God, but it does seem to me like the Trinity is one of those things that was 'borrowed'/assimilated from earlier religions in order to allow Christianity to spread more easily. Also, I always looked to the Triumvirate political power system of Ancient Rome, again the power of three is something people would be used to.
None of this negates the existance of God, or that his son Jesus Christ existed (you do you, if that's your faith just do it kindly is my motto). All it means is that the humans responsible for spreading 'The Word' were probably cleverer than they tend to be given credit for!
As for this year in British politics, I can't even find the words to express how I'm feeling about that - and you know me, if a word exists, I'm normally going to find it, use it. I'm Wordy, I keep telling everyone I admit it ☺️