Thank you so much for this thought-provoking essay Jeff.
This is a subject close to my own heart actually. My child was home educated, so I never felt the need to pursue a formal diagnosis because we simply arranged things in a way which suited the way he learns and lives. However, had we gone the usual schooling route, I've always been convinced we would have been looking at a diagnosis of Asperger's at least. Probably with ADHD tagged on. Living and learning the way we have, my child (now 20) has thrived.
The other thing is that, while science/math excelling people are the most well known 'neurodivergent type', there are all kinds of people who will benefit from a more divergence oriented world isn't there.
'Creative' types are at the other side of this coin - for example, the writers who are 'night owls', or the socially awkward artists who simply want to be able to arrange their own lives around the work they love to do.
Anyway, great piece, thanks again - Sadie