Well done, we do need more exposure and awareness. I’m 50 next month, was diagnosed with M.E. at 22, have fluctuated between moderate and mild symptoms over the years, but also have other chronic pain/fatigue causing conditions which complicate my ability to accurately pinpoint what’s causing what fairly often. My partner was also diagnosed with CFS and fibromyalgia 10 years ago, a more severe version which has him house and/or bed bound (apart from when he’s taken out to attend medical appointments). Despite my own illness, I’m his main carer. You can probably imagine how much disbelief and derision we encounter, how many people sneer and roll their eyes, assume laziness, accuse us of gaming the UK welfare system for benefit money — including health care professionals . One of us suffering with M.E./CFS would invite doubt, as you’ve encountered yourself, but both of us?? I tend to omit my own issues in this area if I talk to anyone about my or our medical problems, only mentioning my other diagnoses, just to avoid having to deal with the judgement which inevitably follows, even from the most supportive and well meaning listener.