When I came across IE it was such a relief, after years of disordered eating, to begin to look at food without attaching labels as to it value. Listening to my body and eating what it wanted did lead to my putting on a lot of weight, but I can honestly say that mentally, physically and emotionally, being 'overweight' feels so much more healthy than being 'underweight' ever did. I just wish that I could get my doctor to stop banging on at me about losing weight. Every time I need to see her about my many physical issues, I feel myself sliding backwards a step or two - to the point I have asked my therapist to contact my doctor and have a word about it. I've no idea whether that will help or not. Generally, as a society, we're so well programmed with the good food/bad food, 'thin is good but thinner is better' attitude that it seems as though a bullied, anorexic, suicidal teenager is preferable to a large but happy one. How terribly sad is that?